
The leader's guide to communicating change

Information vacuums in the workplace inevitably fill with gossip or misinformation. Leaders must work to get ahead of that, especially in times of change...

Yet even the best leaders struggle when it comes to communicating about uninvited change. Not least because every team member’s response to change may be different.

Change brings intense reactions. We’ve all met colleagues who seem to relish new challenges and situations, and who keep an open mind about the impact of change. They seize the moment, get creative and inspire others to embrace it.

Whereas others find it worrying, unsettling and draining. They might worry about the usefulness of their skillset, their relationships, their future relevance, their self-esteem, and their vision of their own future. They might also worry about the extra workload that can come with the practicalities of change.

Emotions during change are complex, dynamic and personal; no two people will react the same

But in any one team or department, all team members probably have one thing in common when big change is afoot: a need for openness and clarity from their leader, even if that leader doesn’t have all the answers.

Yet not all leaders are comfortable sharing difficult news, or know how to create a safe, open space while transitions happen. This needs attention, because as anyone facing upheaval at work knows, feeling unsettled doesn’t help us do our best job, and a persistent lack of info can bring unwanted consequences like gossip, disengagement and eventual burnout.


How leaders can communicate through change

There are some real basics worth revisiting here if you’re a leader tasked with guiding a team through change. And self-development is a key element. Leading change is about a leader’s capacity to evolve themselves, their team and their organization to meet future needs.

So you need to know how to talk to people. Some leaders are naturally great communicators. If they’re extraverted and lean toward the Feeling (Sunshine Yellow) personality type , they may cope with communicating about change more easily. But they might not get it right, and their style might not land well with everyone.

An introverted leader who leads with a Thinking (Cool Blue) may find it hard to keep up the levels of connection that most people will need during change.

But first, the basics:

Regular, structured communication is the first priority. Don’t create an information vacuum. Lack of information leads to unhelpful, inaccurate, conspiracy theories and misinformation that can end up becoming the perceived reality.

Even energetic, well-intentioned leaders can fall short on this when things get uncomfortable. There could be several reasons for not communicating well or regularly (or both!) about change:

  • They feel they don’t have enough facts or data to say anything useful, and that it’s better to wait and to avoid platitudes in the absence of actual news
  • When they DO have significant info to share with the team, they’re not well-practised (or comfortable or confident) with potential conflict and may avoid forthright conversations
  • They’re uncertain how proactive to be, conscious that as a leader, they’re effectively always ‘on stage’. People are giving them their attention. Everything they do and say is scrutinized, amplified and reactions to it are intensified
  • They’ve lost sight of (or aren’t aware at all) the individual human needs in their team and what level and type of communication each colleague best responds to

Remember: During times of upheaval or disruption, it’s better to get in front of people and say “I don’t have the info, but here's what I do know...”  than say nothing

Don’t prioritize only data – practice empathetic leadership. Data may matter less to Feeling personality types anyway (Earth Green and Sunshine Yellow) who’re likely more interested in knowing they haven’t been forgotten and that their leader is including them in what’s happening.

There IS value in standing up and communicating during change, and saying “I can’t reassure you but I promise I will share what I can”. Honesty and openness are key ingredients to building trust.

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Keep your communications authentic and human

Adam Galinsky, professor of leadership and ethics at Columbia University Business School in New York and author of the forthcoming book Inspire: The Universal Path for Leading Yourself and Others, reminds us that leaders often have no idea of the impact that their incidental behavior has on others.

If they need to call a meeting, they should say why they want to meet”. Don’t create unnecessary mystery when people are already unsettled. A brief headline reduces doubts caused by lack of time or compassion. People need to know where they stand.

Leaders should also make time for everyday human essentials - give praise and thanks where it’s due. “Small steps can make a huge difference to someone’s day”, adds Galinsky.

A simple kindness, or we might just call it decent workplace etiquette, is a welcome lift when people may be worrying about keeping their job, adapting to a new job spec or learning imposed new processes and tools.

Galinksy reminds us that we’re not born as inspiring or as infuriating people, or in this case, as leaders. “We can learn, practice and develop. The leader amplification effect means that our anxiety as leaders infects other people”.

Let’s delve deeper…

How can leaders flex their style (even if it’s not their natural ‘way’) to make sure that different personalities in the team feel connected and reassured during change?


Different personalities respond to different types of communication

During change, effective leaders are aware of how different people in their team respond to change. Put simply, understanding others can make the change process easier to manage.

The ‘Thinking’ personalities

In the language of Insights color energies, which forms the basis of the Insights Discovery self-awareness programme, this refers to those who lead with analytical Cool Blue energy and results-driven Fiery Red energy.

Cool Blue will want to know why the change is necessary and is the most likely of the four color energies to want more detail so that they can evaluate whether the upheaval feels logical and worth their emotional investment.

They’ll appreciate a written overview and may have more questions than most.

Top tip: Share the ‘why’, the process for change and supporting data, and provide time to digest.

Key words: Purpose and Detail

Fiery Red will be concerned with the vision for the change, how this will affect team and individual goals, and how quickly they can reach them.

Timelines are important here, as is a clear focus on the end result.

Top tip: They’ll want a plan for dealing with change. Stick to facts and be direct and factual.

Key words: Plans and Concise


The ‘Feeling’ personalities

In the language of Insights color energies, this refers to those who lead with collaborative Sunshine Yellow energy, and those who lead with nurturing Earth Green energy.

Sunshine Yellow will welcome interactivity. They’ll appreciate being involved in discussions around positive opportunities arising from the change.

Using visual formats will land well, as will examples of how the change might look for the team and who can bring the best energy to it.

Top tip: Communicate in person, or by video if regular meetings aren’t possible. Highlight potential.

Key words: Progress and Involvement

Earth Green will seek clarity about the potential impact on team members’ roles, relationships and wellbeing.

It’s important to them that the different feelings and emotions that come with change are acknowledged.

Top tip: Dial up your empathy. Give colleagues a space to share their concerns and feel heard.

Key words: People and Humanity



When communicating change, here's four key things leaders can do immediately

Consider how your different team members might react to change - People lead their daily working lives with different energies and are energized by different scenarios. Ask yourself what questions they will ask themselves and what they’ll feel most stressed about.

Open conversation -  Build in as much certainty as you can by giving information on what will happen and when, what aspects will change and what will stay the same. You may not know much detail yet, but even sharing the process for implementing change will help. People are more likely to become stressed and assume worst possible outcomes when they don’t feel in control.

Understand and value others’ concerns - Create a way to communicate regularly about the ongoing change. Describe the vision behind the changes. It’s the first step to shifting mindset. Ask about concerns. You may not have all the answers, but you can offer to share concerns with the senior team.

Identify team members who support the change - These people are your advocates for new ways of working. Give them a platform and ensure they participate in forums about the change so that their voices can be heard.

At Insights, we champion change by focusing on what matters most: your people. The success of change initiatives relies on your team’s adaptability and how effectively they’re supported through different stages of change like change resistance, acceptance and moving forward. Thriving Through Change teaches organizations how to foster a culture empathy and open communication, so that employees feel ready to embrace change naturally and intuitively

Thriving Through Change for leaders