For value-led organizations, Discovery Full Circle drives performance in three main areas…
360s are making a comeback, but before you shudder, today’s version looks different from their fear-inducing predecessors.
By replacing traditional competencies with personality preferences and trading rigid metrics for the non-judgmental language of color energies, Discovery Full Circle offers psychologically safe 360-degree feedback that fosters team cohesion.
Imagine having the power to see how others see you? What would you change? And what impact would that change have on your team?
As we turn our attention to 2025, there are three areas where Discovery Full Circle can make a big impact…
Motivating and engaging different personalities
A 360 experience that creates engagement? No, we’re not joking - Discovery Full Circle is different.
In looking at personality types instead of competencies, and by using the language of color energies to increase psychological safety, this reimagined 360 sparks positive conversations.
A big part of this is the language of color energies…
The dreaded 360 blindspot feels different when it’s less
“I thought I could strategize but my boss rated me a 0 on that...”
and more
“I always saw myself as high in Earth Green energy when I’m at work but my boss sees me as leading with Cool Blue. I didn’t realize I was being so formal with her.”
The new-found awareness often feels like a revelation, and in creating real understanding between colleagues, fosters better relationships and engagement.
Note that having more or less formality – or any behavioral trait – is neither good nor bad, it just IS. All color energies are equally valuable in the workplace.
When organizations give people the opportunity to learn about themselves through Insights Full Circle, they are creating a container of psychological safety within which honest conversations can happen.
Honest conversations create breakthroughs that, in a business setting, enhance effective collaboration. Motivated people, when we affirm their most authentic selves, become loyal and engaged employees.
Creating inclusive culture in divided workplaces
We live in interesting times.
As political and world issues polarize people outside of the workplace, how can we ensure civility and harmony within the workplace?
Work is one of the few places in society where people from diverse backgrounds, be it age, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc. come together to achieve the same organizational goals.
It’s unrealistic to expect that societal issues won’t spill over into teams chats or watercooler conversations, so how can organizations navigate polarized communities in the workplace?
The beauty of Insights Discovery Full Circle (really the entire ecosystem of Insights programs) is that we teach people to embrace diversity of thought in the workplace, and this practice, when truly embedded, shapes a healthy values-based culture.
Diversity of Thought in the context of Discovery Full Circle refers to how, with increased awareness, to we learn to relate to one another at work about work things, and how, using the language of color energies, we break down the preconceived notions we have of others at work.
This lets us to rise above polarizing issues and rehumanize each other. We are finally able build those necessary collaborative relationships we need to move forward.

Discovery Full Circle changes how people act toward each other...
- Insights Discovery (the program upon which Full Circle is based) teaches participants the psychology behind how perceptions are formed and expressed in the workplace.
- When the theory of personality types is introduced, people begin to understand why they act or react as they do, and why others react to them in certain ways.
- The core message of Insights Discovery Full Circle is that everyone has all four color energies within them and that each color energy has an important and valued role to play on the team.
- The language of color energies gives people a non-judgmental way to talk about these differences. When embedded in an organization, it opens a deeper level of communication and understanding between people, reducing unhealthy reactive behaviors like bottling up, malicious compliance or quiet quitting.
- Discovery Full Circle allows participants to understand how their actions are impacting others, revealing new opportunities for better collaboration and teaching agility, as participants consciously adapt their behavior and communication style to the people around them (yet remain anchored in their authentic selves).
When conversation flows, collaboration increases, fuelling real progress toward the organization’s objectives and making employees feel valued.
This new way of working becomes the norm, influencing the organization’s authentic corporate culture, shifting it steadily towards a culture based on values like inclusion, respect and appreciation of diversity in its many forms.
Even people who may come to work with vastly different perspectives and experiences can learn to understand each other and work together.
Developing people capabilities & retaining talent
The power to see ourselves as other see us is transformative.
Discovery Full Circle gets beyond competencies. It recognizes that a fully competent person, in an environment where they’re having trouble communicating and connecting with others, will have trouble applying their competencies in the workplace.
But when employees understand how they come across and have the agility to adapt to people around them, it helps everyone…
Discovery Full Circle Outcomes
Feedback that accelerates performance at all levels of your organization

Better understand their leadership style
Learn how their leadership style impacts reports
Create a development plan to adapt their leadership style to diverse personalities
High potentials
Identify and resolve blind spots blocking progress
Reveal hidden strengths
Increase ability to foster effective working relationships
Individual contributors
Increase resilience in high pressure environments and reduce stress
Increase engagement
and retention
Learn to effectively manage stakeholders
That’s why, when it comes to capabilities, organizations must invest first in developing an employee’s people-capabilities, so they may fully access and benefit from the true depth of the tactical ones.
Psychological safety, confidence, innovation and ROI
There is a secondary, but no less poignant benefit of the expanded awareness and psychological safety Discovery Full Circle creates:
Employees that feel understood and psychologically safe are often willing to share new-found or previously buried secondary skills that they would never have mentioned otherwise for a myriad of reasons, and that can contribute to the successful completion of the project at hand.
As a result, organizations that undergo this exercise may discover their people are more capable and skilled than initially realized, and can invest less in tactical competency-based training than initially forecasted.
These organizations may also experience an increased ROI on their training budgets as people who feel understood and who are able to communicate and collaborate with others are more engaged. High levels of engagement means people are willing to apply their expensive-to-come-by tactical skills in their existing role, rather than taking them elsewhere.
The benefit of confident employees starts with increased collaboration, and this in turn can support innovation across the entire organization.
Discovery Full Circle
The bottom line is that the motivation for developing people skills is as much about organizational success as it is about personal development and well-being, and there’s every reason for organizations to take actions that benefit both.
The benefits written about above are the thin end of the wedge when we invest in awareness training for employees at all levels of an organization.