Master tough work conversations using color energies
Wouldn’t work be easier if we all spoke a common language? The language of color energies is key to effective communications, especially when things go south... Have you ever wondered why th...
Personal development
Wouldn’t work be easier if we all spoke a common language? The language of color energies is key to effective communications, especially when things go south... Have you ever wondered why th...
Personal development
Wouldn’t work be easier if we all spoke a common language? The language of color energies is key to effective communications, especially when things go south... Have you ever wondered why th...
Team development
For value-led organizations, Discovery Full Circle drives performance in three main areas… 360s are making a comeback, but before you shudder, today’s version looks different from their fear...
3 Three approaches to address the topic of change Change. It’s the constant backdrop to all our working lives. No longer an occasional disruption, but a continual force. Whether it’s navigat...
Whether it’s a shift in strategy, new technology, or organizational restructuring, the impact of change is felt at every level- from individuals to teams and leaders. Successfully managing c...
50% of employees leave managers, not companies. 84% believe bad managers create unnecessary stress*. Include color energies in your onboarding and see the difference... Picture this: One min...
Personal development
Picture the scene: your team has just delivered one of the best years of performance your division has ever seen, and the varied collection of characters is gelling well; all tolerant and re...
Team development
Insights went back to the drawing board and created a whole new 360 experience... Traditional 360s, where learners compare their self perception to how others (usually supervisors and peers)...
Personal development
More responsibility at work, especially if it follows a promotion, is as exciting as it daunting...But what if it actually leads to a sense of decreasing control over your time, or your abil...